by brenton crozier
At this point in time, it’s hardly worth separating blogs and traditional websites. Nevertheless, the blogosphere is burning up and there are some fantastic sites recently brought to my attention that produce daily office-forward fodder and copious amounts of laughter. So forget your financial woes, forget the impending lonely weekend, forget the sermons of impending doom from D.C. and become the office MVP as you add these bad boys to your list of favorites. All absurd and largely focusing on our human fiascos both large and small, it’s high time to add a little break into your day to visit these and similar websites for a good guffaw. That’s right, I’m advocating for a guffaw break.
Enjoy a foray into the bizarre and at times disturbing at Picture is Unrelated: WTF Pictures & Videos. It’s all pictures and it is certainly all unrelated. The only cohesive bond from image to image is their utterly bizarre nature. They will make you laugh, and they will garner a WTF? Have an eye-crossing picture in your collection? They are always looking for new additions.
This may be the funniest website in existence (at least that’s what I think this week). A treasure trove of the types of things that make you go, “Now wait just one second,” Fail Blog is a collection of images and videos that range from delicious hypocrisy like a driver on a cell phone despite bumper stickers stating, “Hang Up And Drive” and “Guns Don’t Kill People Drivers With Cellphones Do,” to foreign hilarity like a T-shirt that states I (picture of Eiffel Tower) London. That’s right, the Eiffel Tower is in Paris. It is hilarious at every turn and is the ultimate hub of laughing at others’ failures. Yeah, it shouldn’t make you feel good, but you know it does.
Who would have known that there would even be enough cake wrecks to create an entire website with botched or creepy cakes? Not I. With a tag line of “When Professional Cakes Go Horribly, Hilariously Wrong,” your first thought may not be, “Wow, I’ve got to see that!” But have no doubt my friend, you do want to see this. Whether a creation of a good-intentioned but culinary challenged folk or a misguided attempt by a professional, you’ll be shocked at these confectionary calamities.
As you can probably recognize from the URL, this site artistically weaves crass language through each and every uproarious description. This is “A Blog Where I Tell Cute Animals What’s What.” That’s right. Are you sick of cute animals getting undue attention, awww after awww and the overarching supposition that they must be great simply because they are cute? Get your revenge by visiting this gentleman’s angry site where he takes adorable animal after adorable animal to task for a bevy of transgressions. Classics such as “The Tibetan fox thinks he’s better than you” about a rather pompous looking fox prompting the writer to ask, “Have you ever seen such a holier-than-thou look on a non-dolphin before?” are par for the course. A particular favorite is when he calls out baby flamingos for their oversized legs in “Baby flamingos make my job less fun.” It’s all good, it’s all patently ridiculous and it all puts those sanctimonious cute animals in their place-it’s about time somebody did it.
Enjoy your upcoming guffaw break with these blogosphere gems. And if your boss gets on your back for it, threaten to take him or her off of your e-mail forward list. That’s right, get mean.
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