This Week

October 24, 2008
1 min read

Oct. 24

Rocky Horror Picture Show and Festival
Be seen making a scene downtown and take a strange journey with the Rocky Horror Picture Show. The cult classic film will be shown at midnight at The Florida Theatre. Also, don’t miss the variety of Rocky activities leading up to the show. Step out as your favorite Rocky Horror character, practice your Time Warp moves and bring your props to participate! Prop packages can also be purchased at The Florida Theatre for $15. Street Festival begins at 8 pm on Forsyth St. in front of the Florida Theatre with Live entertainment by the Rocky Horror Tribute Band, costume contest, food, beverages and fun! Tickets for movie are $5 per person, first-come, first seated.

Florida Theatre 904-355-2787 or

Oct. 26

Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Cleveland Browns

Single game tickets start at $50.
Jacksonville Municipal Stadium at 4:05pm,


Oct. 29 – Nov. 9

Greater Jacksonville Fair
Advance tickets are available online at a 20% discount through October 28. Express Pass – Good for 1 Admission and 1 Ride Wristband – All for $25.

Jacksonville Fairgrounds,


Oct. 30

Dark Energy: An Aesthetic of Irrelevance
As the first of three major Samuel Beckett events, Herbert Blau, one of the leading theater and performance theorists of our time, is the Byron W. and Alice L. Lockwood Professor of Humanities at the University of Washington.  In addition to Blau’s theoretical and scholarly work on theater, he is a renowned director of trail-blazing avant-garde theater productions in the United States. He will present excerpts from an autobiography-in-progress, recalling what it was like to think about and to stage Beckett’s Waiting for Godot in the late 1950s – the Eisenhower years, the immediate aftermath of the McCarthy era-when Becket and his radically new approach to theater were still hardly known in this country.  Blau’s talk, free and open to the public, will be in the Recital Hall of UNF’s Fine Arts Center.

UNF Fine Arts Center Recital Hall, 7 pm.

Oct. 30- 31

The Fairly Big Broadcast of 1937
A parody of Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds broadcast on Halloween, 1938, it will have its world premiere on the 70th anniversary of Welles’ original broadcast. Playwright Steve Bailey is also the director. Local jazz singer and recording artist Dot Wilder will co-star.

Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre, 716 Ocean Blvd. (Atlantic Beach), Main stage. $20, 249-7177

Halloween Events

Looking for Halloween events around town or thinking about heading to the Florida Theme Parks? Check EU’s Halloween listings around town and throughout Florida. Read our first hand account of Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights.

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